Neben diesen Funktionen präsentierte Gerda Lederer ihre Forschung in zahlreichen Vorträgen. Details hierzu können Sie den Forschungsseiten entnehmen. Weiterhin unterstütze sie den wissenschaftlichen Austausch auf vielen Konferenzen als Chair (Leitung eines Panels) oder als Discussant (Zusammenfassende Betrachtung aller Beiträge eines Panels).

Gerda Lederer gehörte 1978 neben Jeanne N. Knutson zu den Gründungsmitgliedern der ISPP. Seitdem war Gerda Lederer bis 2010 aktives Mitglied in unterschiedlichen Funktionen: 1984 bis 1986 war sie Mitglied im Governing Councel. 1987 bis 1989 und 1999 bis 2001 war sie Vizepräsidentin. 1982 erhielt Gerda Lederer den Erik Erikson Early Career Award für die beste Dissertation, der in diesem Jahr erstmals verliehen wurde. Heute wird diese Auszeichnung als Jim Sidanius Early Career Award verliehen.

Die ISPP als internationale Organisation bot Gerda Lederer den Austausch auf wissenschaftlicher und freundschaftlicher Ebene mit vielen Forscherinnen und Forschern, nachfolgend werden einige genannt, wohl wissend, dass die Aufzählung nicht vollständig sein kann:

… Vladimir Agayev, Lauren Appelbaum, Daniel Bar-Tal, Dan Bar-On, Tom Blank, Richard G. Braungart, Tom Bryder, Richard Christi, Hwa Chun-Juelich, Helen Haste, Horst Alfred Heinrich, Margaret G. Hermann, Christel Hopf, Klaus Horn, Sibylle Hübner Funk, Ofer Feldman, Stanley Feldman, Dierk Juelich, Herbert C. Kelman, Thomas Kliche, Chrisitine Kulke, Christ’l De Landtsheer, Miriam Lewin, Albert Lichtblau, Rosalind A. Lorwin, George Marcus, Sam McFarland, Jos Meloen, Helmut Moser, Jerold M. Post, Elisabeth Pozzi-Thanner, Felicia Pratto, Detlef Oesterreich, Christoph Reinprecht, Janusz Reykowsky, Susanne Rippl, Shifra Sagy, Steen Sauerberg, Christian Seipel, Peter Schmidt, Jim Sidanius, Roberta Sigel, Ervin Staub, Frank Stern, William F. Stone, Peter Suedfeld, Michaela von Freyhold, Dana Ward, Klaus Wasmund, Meredith Watts, Adam Weisberger, Hilde Weiß, David Winter …

Gerda Lederer unterstützte auch junge Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlicher, um beispielsweise an ISPP-Konferenzen teilzunehmen.

Vorträge auf Konferenzen der ISPP

Lederer, G. (1981). Post World War II Changes in Authoritarianism in Germany and the United States. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the ISPP, Mannheim, Germany.

Lederer, G. (1983). Political Protest: Federal Republic of Germany. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the ISPP, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Lederer, G. & Schmidt, P. (1985). A Comparative Study of Adolescent Authoritarianism and Dogmatism; Austria, the United States and, West Germany. Paper presented at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the ISPP, Washington, D.C., USA.

Lederer, G (1986). Generations in Comparisons: Adolescents and Adults in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1980´s. Paper presented at the Ninth Annual Meeting of the ISPP, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Lederer, G. (1987). Political Attitudes of Young Austrians in Comparison with their Contemporaries in West Germany and the United States and the Election of Kurt Waldheim. Paper presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the ISPP, San Francisco; USA.

Lederer, G. (1988). How Anti-Semitic are the Germans. Recent Studies in Comparative Perspective. Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the ISPP, New Jersey, USA

Lederer, G (1989). The Federal Republic of Germany Today: The Battle for Identity in the Face of Awareness. Paper presented at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the ISPP, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Lederer, G. (1990). German Origins of the Authoritarian Personality. Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the ISPP, Washington, D.C., USA.

Lederer, G. & Schmidt, P. (1991). Report of an Analysis of Authoritarianism among Adolescents in German, East and West. Paper presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the ISPP, Helsinki, Finland.

Lederer, G. (1993). Authoritarianism among Austrian Adolescents: An International Comparison over time. Paper presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the ISPP, Cambridge, USA.

Lederer, G., Schmidt, P., Weisberger, A., Kindervater, A, Rippl, S. & Seipel, C. (1994). Authoritarianism and Society. Roundtable at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political. Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Lederer, G. (1995). The role of individualism in evaluations of public policy. Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the ISPP, Washington, DC, USA.

Kindervater, A. & Lederer, G. (1995). An Analysis of Youth Surveys on Authoritarianism in Russia, West and East Germany: Similarities and Differences. Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the ISPP, Washington, DC, USA.

Lederer, G. (1996). Linking the Present and the Past – A Personal Story. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Nineteenth Annual ISPP, Vancouver, Canada.

Lederer, G. (1998). Using Political Psychology to Teach College Students About the Holocaust. Paper presented at the Twenty-First Annual ISPP, Montreal, Canada.

Lederer, G., Smith, N.D., Wandrey, J., Ward, D, & Lichtblau, A. (2000). The ISPP University of the Internet: Possibilities and Applications. Roundtable at the Twenty-Third Annual ISPP, Seattle, USA.

Lederer, G. (2000). Writing Autobiographical Holocaust Narratives: The Impact of Reflective Political Psychology. Participant of the roundtable (organized by Peter Suedfeld) at the Twenty-Third Annual ISPP, Seattle, USA.

Lederer, G. (2001). Joerg Haider as a Consequence of Austria´s Political Past and a Glimpse of Her Possible Future. Paper presented at the Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the ISPP, Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Lederer, G. (2002). Anti-Semitism Revisited – On Germany, Europe and Beyond? (Panel with Detlev Claussen). Conference: Confusion -Questioning Anti-Semitism, Anti-Americanism and Other Modes of Conspiracy. New York University.

Lederer, G. (2005). Remembering the Holocaust. Paper presented at the Twenty-Eight Annual Meeting of the ISPP, Toronto, Canada.

Lederer, G. & Kindervater, A. (2010). Measuring Authoritarianism in Society over Time and across Cultures, Paper presented at the Thirty-Third Annual Meeting of the ISPP, San Francisco, USA.